Thursday, April 23, 2009
Now for the News
We are loving Spring. This year our family is starting a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). This is how it works, a local farmer sells shares of his crop at the beginning of the season, then those people get a weekly portion of his harvest. It is a great way to eat fresh produced that was grown locally, boosting your local community in many ways. We are so excited, of course we don't have a full blown "Farm" but we are going to grow a huge variety of vegitables. Hopefully next year we will add chickens to our farm and offer eggs. More on this as we continue to plow and plant.
Now I am going to catch up on all of your blogs since it's been a long time. Happy Spring to all of you.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
This is our ultra-delux-double decker "Conference Tent". We wanted to be like the people who heard King Benjamin in the Book of Mormon, they all pitched their tents facing the temple where he spoke to them. Of course it was all Allens engenering, there was another wing of it off to the left where the parents sat. It was a great hit.
Truth found the news paper, I thought she would just crumple it up, enjoying the sound. But she also put it into her mouth and then smeered the now wet inked paper all over her face giver her that cute little smudged nose. Isn't she cute. I love babies!!!
My adorable family. This is what it's all about.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Mom Song
Monday, December 1, 2008
Christmas in the Sun
My mother-in-law arranged for Abby to attend Achievement Days in her ward while we were here, they were holding a luau so we dressed up and had a great time, Abby did a dance with all the other girls and I was amazed at how excited she was and how well she mingled with complete strangers.

Merry Christmas All.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Blessing & Baptism

I am finally ready to tell you all about the baptism of our oldest child and the blessing of our youngest (it has only been a month!). Abby was very good about having to postpone her baptism due to the fact that the baby was due around her 8th birthday. So we decided to have a double event since all the family was coming anyway. It turned out beautifully, despite a few glitches. Abby and I made programs (I designed, she folded), a member from each of the families participated, both her grandfathers spoke and the grandmothers said a prayer and played an instrument. Her aunts played the piano, led the music and said the closing prayer, while two of her uncles were the witnesses. All the grandchildren and young uncles sang "I Am A Child of God". Abby and Allen sang a duet "If The Savior Stood Beside Me", it was my favorite part of the whole thing. Allen sat in a chair and Abby stood next to him as they took turns singing. It was so precious to see them in their whites singing together, Abby sang strong and true with her testimony shinny through her eyes, Allen was so gentle as he watched her sing and then sang with her. Everyone cried!

The baby blessing was so sweet and little Esther Truth didn't cry once... hurray.

Afterwords we went to our old 2nd ward building and had lunch.

I made four different kinds of soup and three different breads.

Then we had cream puff, cookie & ice cream for desert.

I love having my family and Allen's family together, it rarely happens but when it does it is the greatest feeling to have the people that you love so much all around you interacting with each other. There are three baptisms and two baby blessings in Allen's family, including Abby and Esther Truth, within five months of each other. The Levie family is definitely growing, there were 22 grandchildren born in 11 years and there are still three siblings who haven't married yet.
We were so grateful for all of our family and friends who sacrificed to travel so far to be with us on that special day. There is nothing better than that.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Girls Rule & Boys Drool!
"I don't lite boys, I lite girls!"
Allen and I tried to hold back our laughter at her very serious statement. I think she had just discovered that there was a difference between girls and boys and that she liked the girl way better, that is just our guess - who knows what goes on in the mind of a very dramatic two year old. The video below is a dialogue about her decided opinion and a look at her new hairdo.
I am happy to report that after talking with her she came to us a day or so later and said "Mom, do you lite boys?" after telling her that I did she said "I lite boys too." I'm glad that is resolved for now.
Tonight at dinner Dennis said
"Eve is getting smarter every day."
To which Paul replied
"She's smarter then we are."
Affronted at that remark Dennis had to defend himself
"No, she can't say Chess."
Eve, who of course was listening to all of this, looked at Dennis and said with perfect pronunciation
We all died laughing, it was the cutest thing. I wish that I had been recording it. Kids really do say the darndest things!
Beautiful Fall
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween Adventures

Then we went of to our wards Trunk-or-Treat, we met my brother there and made the rounds.

Dennis - Legolas (from LOTR)
Paul - Jedi Knight
Eve - A Fairy (you can't see her cute wings)

Allen - A Scottish Gentleman
Me - I was the doctor of five children

The children very seriously inspected their loot at the end of the day.
This is such an odd holiday, dressing up and walking from house to house getting candy so that you can go home and gorge yourself for the next week.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
It's A Girl
Would like to introduce you to their new sister...
~Esther Truth Levie~
Born Wednesday September 16th at 1:04pm
Weighing in at 7lb 4oz
Stretching out to 20 ½ inches
It all began Tuesday evening at 7:20pm while I was shopping with all the children
Because of a negative pregnancy test taken early on, the baby was not expected
Esther is a very peaceful, gentle baby; she only cried twice the day she was born.
The first two days she slept and slept, now she stays awake to plays with her brothers
and sisters, or more appropriately put, they play with her.
The baby didn’t have a name for the first 24 hours of her life, Allen and I filled a white
I had wonderful care during my recovery. My mother stayed for five days, she is so calm and
“Cry and Shout, the Cougars are out.”
Thank you all for the dinners, gifts, cards, visits and phone calls.
The Levie Family